Y'all, it happened! I've been accepted into the tribe! I'm a regular!! Went to the Cafe across from our flat for my cappuccino & croissant, and they knew me and my order! And, he made a little design for me in chocolate on my cappuccino too! I'm pretty sure by next week they'll make me queen...
Took a tour of Santa Croce, the largest Franciscan church in the world. Our apartment is 1 block away from it, and for some reason all week Frank has been calling it San Lorenzo. Lol
Michelangelo, Galileo, and a bunch of other people are buried there. There's also a tomb here for Dante, but the town has of yet been unsuccessful in their attempts to retrieve his remains from the town in which he died, so it's presently unoccupied. This church is unbelievable. So many side altars and burial markers. I didn't know until this tour that before there were catholic graveyards, people were buried in the church. There is also a memorial to Florence Nightingale, who was born in Florence and was named after the town.
Apparently it's the 700th anniversary of Dante this year. I'm not sure what happened 700 years ago, because he was born in 1265, so I guess it must be his death. Anyhow, in the Pazzi Chapel, they had a special tribute. They had draped over all the windows and were playing a video of the illustrations created in the 16th century, with a musical accompaniment (link below if you want to see it). It was amazing.
While we were sitting there, all the power in the place went out and we could hear an alarm going off. No idea what happened, but I'm sure someone's getting deported over it.
After that we went to the Accademia to see Michelangelo's David. There are other works of art there as well, but nothing beats the David. Again, if you've not seen it in person, you've not seen it. It's incredible.
Finally, we achieved a proper Aperitivo! It only took two days. Lol
Sometimes you just gotta take your soccer ball out for a walk, and a guy near us was having one of those times. He was walking down a busy street, and kicking the ball as he went. I've got to hand it to him, he had excellent ball control, but a busy street during rush hour seems like an odd time to practice...
After aperitivo, we started to walk back toward our area of town. Frank pulled up Google maps to help us get our bearings, and imagine our surprise to find out we were in Piazza San Lorenzo! Flipping hilarious! So we checked that place out, and now Frankie isn't getting the two mixed up anymore. Lol
We had reservations at Trattoria Dall'Oste. This is another Florentine steakhouse (they're kind of all over the place, but this one came recommended). They were running a special - appetizer, steak & sides, and dessert for 2 for €70.
We added a bottle of wine, so the total came out to around 90 euro, which converts to around $105 including tip. It sounds kind of pricey, but there's no way we would have gotten that much food, let alone that quality of food for anywhere near that price back home. It's insane how amazing and reasonably priced the food is here. I've added pics below to show you what I mean. I swear I think this country is trying to feed me to death, and if I'm honest, I'm loving every minute of it. Lol
For dessert they brought us torte alla Nonna (grandma's cake), and I'm telling you I don't know whose Nonna made this cake, but I want her to be my Nonna too! Delicioso!
Early to bed today, we've got a day trip with the family tomorrow!

eak & sides, and dessert for 2 for €70. We added a bottle of wine, so the total came out to around 90 euro, which converts to around $105 including tip. It sounds kind of pricey, but there's no way we would have gotten that much food, let alone that quality of food for anywhere near that price back home. It's insane how amazing and reasonably priced the food is here. I've added pics below to show you what I mean. I swear I think this country is trying to feed me to death, and if I'm honest, I'm loving every minute of it. Lol
For dessert they brought us torte alla Nonna (grandma's cake), and I'm telling you I don't know whose Nonna made this cake, but I want her to be my Nonna too! Delicioso!
Early to bed today, we've got a day trip with the family tomorrow!